Intensive Needs Program: Life Skills, Self-Care, and Motor Skills

This path is designed for students who need more support in acquiring basic life skills, self-care, and motor skills. The emphasis is on fostering independence, building confidence, and laying a foundation for participating fully in everyday activities.

Life Skills & Self-Care:

For younger children, the focus will be on self-care skills that promote personal hygiene, responsibility, and self-management. These skills are foundational and help students become more independent in daily life.

Personal Hygiene:

Teaching students to take care of their personal hygiene independently is critical. Simple routines are introduced, with visual aids and hands-on practice to help students internalize the steps involved in daily self-care routines.

Toileting & Bathroom Routines:

Developing independent toileting habits is another core focus. Visual supports and prompts can help students remember the steps involved in using the bathroom, flushing, and washing hands.

Grooming & Basic Self-Care:

Students will practice grooming routines such as brushing hair, using combs or brushes, and applying basic skincare (like washing the face). These routines are a way for students to build self-awareness and personal responsibility.

Motor Skills Development:

Motor skills are foundational to many daily tasks, and improving both fine and gross motor skills is crucial at this stage of development. These skills help students with self-care, play, and learning activities.

Fine Motor Skills:

Fine motor skills focus on small muscle coordination, which is necessary for tasks like dressing, writing, feeding, and personal care.

Gross Motor Skills:

Gross motor skills involve large muscle groups, and developing these skills is important for movement, balance, and physical coordination.

Sensory Integration & Motor Planning:

Some students may benefit from sensory integration exercises that support coordination, focus, and emotional regulation. These activities use the senses to help students connect physical movements with sensory input.