Mid-Autumn at Auesome!

What are your healing moments these days? When we talk about healing, we’re not just talking about the physical kind where you cut yourself, put a band-aid over it and wait for nature to run its course. Although that resemblance can still be quite applicable in this case. Today we’re talking about one of the core aspects of healing – social-emotional healing.


Social-emotional healing is the ability to acknowledge events and circumstances in our lives that may hinder us to move forward. It’s a process that allows us to take control of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Notably, it is important to remember that everyone at some stage in their life may experience times of distress. Regardless of what event or circumstance we have come across, it’s crucial for our thoughts to acknowledge the current situation, let ourselves be present, feel all of the emotions and let nature run its course. Social-emotional healing can stem from many circumstances, whether it is a past traumatic event, transitioning to a new environment or missing a loved one, etc. During and even after these episodes in our lives, we usually start to experience feelings of tension, anxiety, or even self-sabotaging behaviors, which can eventually overwhelm us.


Responding to the importance of social-emotional supports, our educators at Auesome Place are constantly working thoughtfully and collaboratively to find creative ways for students to engage in identity-affirming activities and reinforce their sense of belonging. Many of these inclusive experiences focus on empathy, strengths, family and community connections, and students’ potential to effect positive changes.

Learning is both fundamentally social and emotional. Social-emotional healing can take place through weaving relationship-building opportunities into every learning environment and doing it consistently. We should never underestimate the power of our words or the power of the absence of words. Simple things such as words of affirmation, and taking the time to listen deeply but not reactively to advice can help us get to know our Auesomers and make them feel more connected. It is these little things that help them feel loved and happy, that empower them to change, to move on, to believe. Within a safe, restorative setting, old habits and behaviors come to light. Furthermore, they are resolved. Hence, new healthy patterns are formed.

Taking a broader view of why identity matters and why social belonging matters, it has a lot to do with being safe and feeling nurtured, and feeling like I’m not, the only person having these experiences. There can be no doubt that literature transforms us and the process of reading is a very healing process. Especially for youths, reading about others’ experiences with issues similar to theirs can be validating and help them feel less alone.

Seeing themselves reflected in books can be an important part of a child handling adverse situations. Shared reading experiences such as guided reading sessions allow youths to talk about their feelings and thoughts on a multitude of issues, centered on a book, but all the while giving voice to their worries. Books, and the interactive discussions around them, help them to see the world from different perspectives and become more understanding of each other.


Growing up is a special period, one in which it’s vital to build up healthy self-esteem, self-image, and self-confidence. Every child is unique, with limitless talents. Fostering creativity among youths helps them develop socially, mentally, and emotionally. There are no right or wrong boundaries when it comes to art. And our initiative, Auesome Talent show aspires to show just that! Watching our Auesomers develop their unique talents is one of the joys of being at Auesome Place. What’s more fun than having a front-row seat as dancers’ pirouette and sashay, aspiring actors put on stunning Kungfu moves, and future stars belt out warbling piano solos? With the right activity and the right encouragement, self-esteem can flourish and makes a child feel confident, valued, and encouraged – ultimately leading to growth.


When recapping some snippets of our lives, there will always be some passers-by – being like a glimmer of light, guiding us to take the steps out of immense darkness and bringing us hope when we feel hesitant and despair. Every educator is just a passer-by at some point of a child’s learning journey. However, it is our obligation as educators to guide youths through, to nurture confidence, help them navigate the forest dark, and convince them that though we still can’t see the light, it is there. We should embrace the healing that follows a kind or reassuring word, a hand on the shoulder, or an encouraging round of applause. Moments of captured joys like these, each of us will remember the healing moments and memories that make ourselves feel cared about and supported. These then become healing moments and memories to ease the negative impact of our daily challenges and struggles.

Though we may be just passers-by, let’s strive to become a shining beam of light in the lives of our children.


A child's life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark.

--- Robert A. Heinlein




Hello, September