Brain and Music
Music has a great influence on people’s behavior. Listening to happy music can make us want to dance or improve our mood. Some songs can evoke memories, and some songs can have a healing effect. At Auesome Place, music is very important for children’s growth. Children become more confident because they are the leading characters of the band. The music signals taught by teachers in clever ways make it easier for Auesomers to understand and accept. The children interpret every note and syllable through their own operation. At the moment when the band commander patiently tutors and everyone cooperates to play a piece of music, this wonderful music undoubtedly activates the happy factors in the brain.
Music can awaken children’s minds. Listening to music can make them energetic. Generally speaking, music contributes to daily activities, and music with high beats per minute is the best. From the moment the band starts, Auesomers not only realize the importance of teamwork, but also gradually establish and enhance their self-confidence in the process of playing. Through the learning and cooperation of keyboard music, ukulele, percussion and other instruments, each member of “Auesome Band” gradually plays notes and rhythms through the instruments in their hands, and realizes that music brings them a real experience of beauty. In this process, music is also influencing children’s personality, making them more cheerful, and providing a new emotional carrier for their lives. This shows that music can enhance their own emotions. It can improve children’s self-esteem and quality of life, thereby enhancing emotional resilience.
Music keeps the brain alert. Learning to play musical instruments can have long-term beneficial effects on the brain, especially in terms of cognitive and listening skills. During each musical journey, the children repeate and practice a lot in different music and a large number of notes recognition while cooperating with the hands and brain. Some songs became part of Auesomer’s memory. Every song we sing is providing children with important and repeated musical experiences that can build their brains and enrich their souls.
The most celebrated thing is that Auesomers can enhance concentration during the music journey. Wearing a pair of headphones and playing our favorite music can prevent external interference. Although this is not applicable to everyone, nor to all types of tasks, listening to music can improve attention. Children can not only improve their attention, but also exercise their brain’s thinking ability and hand eye coordination ability according to the performance’ content arranged by the teacher. This is undoubtedly a new experience. Visual, auditory and kinesthetic inputs will stimulate brain cells to produce neural connections with other cells, and a certain number of connections stimulate our brain’s sensory cortex, visual cortex, auditory cortex, cerebellum, etc., as well as shaping our brains. Every music tour conducted by Auesomers has a huge mission, because music has important implications for them.